Friday, September 12, 2008

구봉산 (Gubong Mountain)

I've lived here in Korea for about 5 months now, and I've looked at this shelter on the top of Gubong Mountain many times from the top of my roof. However, because of the humidity, I was waiting to go to the top. I finally decided that because the humidity has slowly started becoming less oppressive, it was time for me to go up. Although they call it a mountain, in my mind it's a hill. It's only 264 metres and I jogged/hiked to the top in about 50 minutes from my apartment.


Ablefish said...

Did you climb a tree to take this picture?

Jason Umlah said...

No, I couldn't get a clear shot, so yeah it looks like I'm sitting in a tree.

WFinlay said...

What's up there? Did they make you leave your camera behind?