Sunday, August 17, 2008

We are Cool guy!

Here's the cover of another English diary. And below is another diary entry that cracked me up (from a different diary, unedited, the subject was "Summer"):

And summer's foods are nice too.
Chicken soup, dog soup and ice cream..!!
Many Koreans eat a dog soup.
but I can't eat a dog soup.
Because I think those dogs is so poor...

On a completely unrelated note, I was in a department store yesterday and went into the bathroom. As soon as I walked in I could smell cigarette smoke. Most bathrooms have No Smoking signs, but for some bizarre reason Korean men love sitting on toilets in foul-smelling bathrooms and smoking (although to be fair to Korean men, Japanese men do it frequently also).
With public bathrooms, my goal is to get in and get out as quickly as possible, but I guess we're all different. Anyways, as I was using a urinal, one of the stall doors opened behind me and a boy of about 13 or 14 came out. He looked way too young to be smoking, but then another boy came out of the same stall, then another and another. There were four of them crammed into that stall (I have no idea how they fit). I guess it's one place where they can try smoking without anyone seeing them. I wanted to smack them in the head to smarten them up, but I figured a foreigner assaulting a bunch of Korean kids probably wouldn't be viewed too well by the cops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, dog soup?? I know Koreans eat dog meat, I actually tried to find some when I was in Seoul a couple of years ago. However, since I couldnt speak a word of Korean, I had to resort to drawing pictures and body gestures, and the woman at the supermarket just ended up taking me to the dog food section! haha. I was hoping to find some dog jerky to bring back as a souvenir. Id just tell people its Korean beef and laugh on the inside! Too bad I couldnt find it...haha.