Saturday, August 09, 2008


Some workers came in yesterday and tore down the garden in the lot beside my apartment. Then an excavator came in this morning and started scraping the earth. After it finished, these people (I don't know any of them, but I assume the owners and their friends) came and prepared some kind of feast.
You can see on the white table a pig's head and what looks like some kind of fish. I assume they are part of some Korean tradition meant to be lucky, but to me it just makes me think of Lord of the Flies. If anarchy breaks out, I'll let you know.
I went out a little later in the day to get some groceries, and only a few of the workers were remaining when I got back. One of the guys kept trying to give me some of their leftover food that had been sitting out in 30 degree heat for a few hours (mmmmm, food poisoning from tainted pig's head). I declined, and he seemed puzzled why I wouldn't want it.