Saturday, November 08, 2008

Smackdown in Daejeon

I had to go downtown yesterday morning to make a money transfer to my Canadian account (long story). Anyways, after I finished I went to the bus stop to catch the bus home.
While I was waiting, I saw a little old lady walking in my direction carrying an empty cardboard box. She was hunched over like many old Asian women, usually from working in a rice field all their lives. If she stood up straight she would probably only have been about 4'6", but because she was hunched over she only stood about 3 feet tall (I'm not exaggerating here - she was tiny). Then an average-sized man in his 50s or his 60s came up toward her while screaming at her. When he reached her, he grabbed the box and they started struggling over it - yes, fighting over an EMPTY, cardboard box.
The whole time she was just screaming at him, and she had a very healthy set of lungs on her. Well, I guess she must have pushed the right button, because even though she was about half his size, he clocked her right in the head. It was a solid hit. But she still wouldn't let go of the box.
There were several Koreans who had stopped to just stand there and stare, but didn't do anything about it. So I walked over and started yelling at the guy, and got between him and the woman. I didn't want to get in a fight with him, because if the cops came, being the foreigner, I'd be the one that got hauled off to jail. Fortunately, he was smart enough to realize that it would be wise for him to leave, and so he started walking away.
However, the woman continued screaming at him, and was still doing so 5 or 10 minutes later when the bus came. She didn't look homeless, but there was obviously something not right in her head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Locals not doing anything to help each other?? Sounds like youre still living in Japan,haha.