Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Korean Deer

I saw my first Korean-deer-while-jogging today (I've seen deer here before, just never while jogging.) Although I didn't have my camera with me, I think you'll find my drawing above is a fairly accurate representation.

The kids love when I draw on the whiteboard in class, because we end up arguing for 10 minutes about what the animal actually is. "Teacher, is it a shark?" "Uh, no." "Is it a gorilla?" "No." This could go on forever, so I finally tell them, "It's a tiger." "That's not a tiger," they say, shaking their heads emphatically.

To distract them from my (lack of) drawing skills, I change the subject to, "What do tigers eat?" The answer is usually some variation of, "They eat fish/deer/kimchi." And I say, "That's right. Do you know what else they eat?" To which I usually get silence, allowing me to deliver my punch line, "They eat little Korean boys/girls." That joke always cracks me up, but inevitably they turn it around and say, "No, they eat Canadian men."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jas!

Now that was a hoot!!!!