Sunday, July 19, 2009

Taebaeksan Provincial Park

A couple of weeks ago I felt like going for a short hike, so I took a train for about an hour and a half inland to the small town of Taebaek. The provincial park has a few peaks you can climb, so my plan was to climb up one of them and then take the ridge between them to a few more peaks before coming back down.
Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate and it started pouring about half way up the mountain. I met a few Koreans coming down, but nobody else was going up. I decided to continue anyways, in the hopes that the clouds might pass. They didn't.
At the top it was pouring and the visibility was only about 50 metres. I thought there might be a small shelter at the top so I could get out of the rain for a bit, but no luck. So I found this rock to hide under while I had a snack.
Because of the poor visibility and the constant rain, I decided to cancel the other peaks. I'll have to come back in the fall.
You can't see the rain in these pictures, but it's coming down hard, and it was cold, so the tank top didn't seem like such a good idea anymore.

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