Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pitt Lake Hot Springs

I was back in Vancouver for about a month in April/early May. Fortunately the weather was awesome, so I got to do a lot of great outdoor stuff, a lot of which helped me prepare for the Vancouver Half-Marathon Fudge and I were training for.
I'd heard about the hot springs up past the top of Pitt Lake several times, but I'd never made it up there. Derek had been up there before, and suggested we take our bikes up one day when the weather was good.
So one Wednesday when the weather was supposed to be sunny, we grabbed his boat, our bikes and my Dad, and headed for the lake. I've been on Pitt Lake several times, but I'd never been to the top before. It took us about 50 minutes, and the weather was perfect. Because the snow on the peaks was melting, there were several huge waterfalls coming down the mountains and into the lake.
When we got to the top of the lake, we moored the boat and got the bikes ready. Because of the distance to the hot springs, Dad had decided to take it easy and just hang out around the dock. I'd read/heard that it was about 22 km to the hot springs, so we knew we had a lot of work ahead of us. It was a pretty good logging road most of the way, well-maintained and I think we only saw 2 or 3 vehicles the whole trip. It was uphill pretty much all of the way, but it wasn't steep, so we made pretty good time, and saw several deer along the way.
Due to Derek's probable inebriation the last time he made the trip, we made a wrong turn near the end and ended up climbing a steep hill for about 20 minutes. Finally we'd had enough and turned around to try the other way, which actually went downhill and got us to the springs in about 5 minutes (go LEFT when you hit the big fork in the road when you think you're really close.)
Above is the view from the bridge of the canyon the hot springs are in. The hot springs are near the top of the river on the left, but you can't see them.
You hike in for a minute or two from the bridge, and then climb down the rock face using this rope that Derek's showing off on. There are two pools at the springs and one of them is visible at the very top left of the picture. A bit of cement was used to make the pools, but other than that they are pretty much untouched.
The temperature was pretty hot, but it felt really good because we were both in a lot of pain from the ride, since neither of us had been on a bike for a while. Derek checked the temperature of the river, but said it was way too cold - not surprising since it was mostly meltwater.
We returned to the boat to find Dad drinking and eating so he was happy. We loaded the bikes up, and headed back to the main dock. In the morning we had seen an old paddle wheeler on the lake, as they were preparing to film some kind of movie. As we neared the main dock, we saw the paddle wheeler was out on the water, with another boat a ways off set up with cameras filming it. And although I'm sure they would have loved to have had us in it, I don't think we made it into any of the shots.

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