Sunday, August 03, 2008


I just had my 3 day summer vacation, which combined with the weekend gave me a 5 day break. I decided to head down to Yeosu, on the south coast, and took a ferry from there to Geomun Island. The ferry was supposed to be around 2 hours, but we made about 4 stops on other islands, so it ended up taking about 3 hours and 40 minutes. I was somewhat concerned about getting seasick, as I spent a 1 hour trip to Koh Tao in Thailand in January puking my guts out, but I felt fine most of the time. I saw many of the South Koreans were wearing a patch that looked like a bandaid behind their ears. I don't know if they're effective or just a scam, but I'm going to look into them anyways for my next trip.
The first picture is of the main harbour area, taken from across the bridge. The town is quite small, and I think there's probably no more than 1,000 people living on the island, so most of the people work in either fishing or tourism.
As I arrived at the island around 5:30 in the afternoon and didn't have a reservation, my first job was to find a hotel. My Korean is still really low, and English is not used very often (I was the only foreigner on the island at that time), so there was a bit of a communication barrier, but I ended up finding a hotel for $40 for the night. I wanted the room for 2 nights, but he told me in English, "Tomorrow, bye bye," and with a bit more awkward communication I discovered that I could only stay for 1 night, as he was fully booked for the next night. Below is a picture of the room, including the bedding, and yeah, it was as comfortable as it looks. I spent the night having to shift positions every 10 minutes to ease the pain.

1 comment:

WFinlay said...

Hey Jas,
I don't get seasick, but several friends I know swear by ginger - either powdered or the fresh stuff. You can even get the extract in a patch. Hey, even Mythbusters tested it. Then again, ginger tastes pretty strong. Maybe the cure is worst than the illness.