Sunday, September 24, 2006

Osaka Aquarium

The Fudges and I decided to hit the aquarium because I'd read that it was really amazing. It was.
You start out on the 8th floor, and then walk your way down through about 10 different zones, each one being a different area of the earth's oceans. In the middle of the building, and about 4 floors high is a huge tank full of many different kinds of fish and rays, with the main attraction being a whale shark. Unfortunately, none of my pictures of the whale shark turned out.
On the bottom floor they had a jellyfish exhibit, and there was a tank with 3 of these suckers. They were quite big, with a diameter of about half a meter, and the picture doesn't do it justice because their colour was amazing.
Just outside the aquarium they were having a big busking festival, and so we watched the bottom guy for awhile. The Japanese sign you can see on the bottom left is his name, Hangerman. This was because he would launch a wooden spool about 50 feet in the air, and then catch it with a regular hanger - pretty impressive. Although we were the only foreigners in the crowd, he decided to add some English commentary for our benefit.

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