Rainy Season
Every year most of Japan (excluding Hokkaido I believe) gets a rainy season. In Okayama, it starts early June, and should be ending in about 2 weeks. The rain doesn't really bother me, although as I don't have a car here, riding my bike in a monsoon gets old real quick. The worst part, however, is the humidity. You're either getting drenched outside in the rain, or you're inside with beads of sweat developing all over your body. Apparently it's not uncommon for government-owned places (e.g. schools and community centres, both places I teach) to not have AC. It's sure a lot of fun teaching 70 crazy, screaming kids when you're sweating like a pig (I assume the sarcasm is evident).
The funny thing is, although I'm looking forward to the end of the rainy season, it's followed by the unbelievably hot season - not much of an improvement, but a change nonetheless.
Because the weather's been so crappy, I haven't gone anywhere cool lately. However, in about 2 weeks I'm heading to Kyoto for Gion Matsuri, which I've heard is one of the best festivals in Japan. Kyoto is pretty much booked-out, so I'm planning to stay in my first capsule hotel in Osaka. If I do, I'll post some pictures.
The picture at the top is at Nanzenji in Kyoto about a month ago. The picture below is the super-sweet view from my "patio".
Cool view from the patio! Have you posted photos of your pad yet?
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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